offensive and defensive corprate comms

Offense or Defense? Setting Your External Communications Posture

Developing both offensive and defensive corporate communications strategies, and having a strong understanding when to use them, is crucial to effectively managing and shaping an organisation’s reputation, brand perception, and stakeholder relationships.

The different strategies have vastly different objectives and tactics and are designed to address proactive opportunities and reactive challenges, ensuring your organisation maintains a favorable public image while also being prepared to mitigate potential crises.

Offensive Communication Strategy

An offensive posture best is best described as a proactive engagement, and aims to enhance the company’s reputation, promote its products or services, and engage positively with stakeholders. The primary goals are to build brand equity, foster customer loyalty, and position the organisation as a leader in its industry. There are a range of different offensive strategies and tactics that can be implemented.

1. Brand Building:

  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience. This includes blogs, videos, infographics, and social media posts that highlight the company’s expertise and values.
  • Public Relations Campaigns: Engaging with the media to secure positive coverage in reputable publications. This involves press releases, media pitches, and events that showcase company achievements, innovations, and thought leadership.
  • Social Media Engagement: Actively participating in social media platforms to connect with customers and influencers. This strategy involves regular posts, responding to comments, and leveraging trending topics to enhance visibility and engagement.

2. Thought Leadership:

  • Industry Conferences and Speaking Engagements: Positioning company executives as industry leaders through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and participation in industry events. This builds credibility and establishes the company as an authority in its field.
  • Research and White Papers: Publishing in-depth research and white papers on relevant industry topics. This demonstrates the company’s expertise and contributes to the broader industry knowledge base.

3. Customer Engagement:

  • Customer Testimonials and Case Studies: Showcasing success stories and positive experiences from existing customers. These testimonials can be used in marketing materials, on the company website, and in sales presentations.
  • Loyalty Programs and Community Building: Developing programs that reward loyal customers and create a sense of community around the brand. This fosters long-term relationships and encourages word-of-mouth promotion.

Defensive Communication Strategy

A defensive communication strategy is reactive, focusing on protecting the company’s reputation during crises or negative situations. The primary goals are to minimize damage, maintain trust, and resolve issues effectively.

1. Crisis Management:

  • Crisis Communication Plan: Developing a comprehensive plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, and protocols for addressing various types of crises. This includes identifying potential risks, preparing key messages, and training spokespersons.
  • Rapid Response: Acting quickly to address crises as they arise. This involves issuing timely statements, holding press conferences, and using social media to communicate updates and reassure stakeholders.

2. Reputation Management:

  • Monitoring and Analytics: Continuously monitoring media coverage, social media mentions, and public sentiment. Tools like Google Alerts, social listening platforms, and media monitoring services help identify potential issues early.
  • Addressing Negative Publicity: Responding to negative reviews, articles, or social media posts with factual, respectful, and transparent communications. This can involve direct responses, correcting misinformation, and engaging in constructive dialogue.

3. Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • Compliance and Transparency: Ensuring all communications comply with legal requirements and ethical standards. This includes honest and transparent communication about company practices, policies, and any issues that arise.
  • Engaging with Regulators and Authorities: Maintaining open lines of communication with regulatory bodies and government authorities. This proactive engagement helps navigate regulatory challenges and demonstrates the company’s commitment to compliance.

Integration of Offensive and Defensive Strategies

Effective communication strategies often blend offensive and defensive elements, creating a comprehensive approach to managing the company’s public image. For instance, a proactive content marketing campaign (offensive) can be complemented by a strong crisis communication plan (defensive), ensuring the company is prepared to handle both opportunities and challenges.

In conclusion, balancing offensive and defensive communication strategies enables organizations to proactively enhance their reputation while being prepared to effectively manage and mitigate risks. This comprehensive approach ensures sustained positive engagement with stakeholders and resilience in the face of challenges.

tim runs the world

John Godwin Helping Tim Run The World

John Godwin is using his passion to help young people make a difference by giving those who need a hand up the confidence and self-belief that they are in charge of their lives and can be inspired to live a brighter future and in turn inspire others to do the same.

Godwin founded Fair Go Australia Foundation in 2009 and continues to drive the newly named ‘Inspiring Brighter Futures’ Foundation as CEO.

Onwards & Upwards is the flagship self-development program from the Inspiring Brighter Futures Foundation created to support young people and adults in need. A similar program being run in Queensland called Onwards & Upwards to a Job is helping long-term unemployed get into the workforce.

Former lawyer, 40-year-old Tim Franklin has been a key figure in helping Godwin and his team create the programs. Franklin’s own life journey in turning his life around and achieving an active and healthy lifestyle has seen him embark on an incredible feat – to run the world to Inspire Brighter Futures.

The 26,232-kilometre journey around the world from Brisbane back to Brisbane commenced in December 2022 and will soon reach its conclusion as Franklin is now back running in Australia. After reaching 500 days of running this week, he will arrive in Adelaide, before running into Melbourne and Sydney ahead of an anticipated arrival home in Brisbane in late June.

Franklin’s journey to date has covered 19 countries, across four continents as he averages around 50 kilometres per day, surviving four floods, one tornado, and three times being hit by a car.

Godwin first met Franklin as his teacher in Year 7 and cross-country coach from Year 5, at Villanova College in Brisbane where in addition to being a classroom teacher, Godwin was Franklin’s cross country and 800-metre coach in athletics.

The two have long remained in contact, with Franklin becoming an Inspiring Brighter Futures Foundation facilitator and ambassador and being integral in the development of the programs.

Godwin and Rob Siganto, who, along with his wife Jenny and the Siganto family have been long-term supporters of IBFF, have joined Franklin in providing support on his South Australian leg, assisting with driving, feeding, washing, encouraging, and providing general support.

Former teacher and company executive Godwin, who has run 13 half-marathons and one full marathon himself is also doing some running of his own to keep Franklin company, covering up to 10 kilometres a day for two weeks.

“Tim said that he would complete the challenge, and he is doing it – to inspire brighter futures for as many people who will listen,” Godwin said.

“Tim’s tenacity to overcome his physical challenges is inspiring and using his gift of courage, determination, and willpower to achieve what many would consider to be an impossible feat.”

Tim Franklin as an Inspiring Brighter Futures Foundation ambassador is raising greatly valued funds for the Foundation to deliver its highly successful programs throughout Australia – in regional, remote, and metropolitan areas to young people who are disengaged, and at risk of dropping out of school and the community.

“Tim and I also want to share the story with corporate Australia so that they can take the lead and support at-risk young people who need a hand up and be taught how to fish and create a brighter and sustainable future for themselves,” Godwin said.

Inspiring Brighter Futures Foundation (previously known as Fair Go Australia Foundation) is a non-profit organisation offering wellbeing mentoring programs to disadvantaged people. The foundation was established in 2009 by a group of educators and business people determined to help those in the community who need it most.

For more information:

Inspiring Brighter Futures Foundation:

Tim Runs The World:

travel grant

Take Your Business Places With One Of Five Corporate Travel Grants

With corporate travel continuing to rebound, SMEs are valuing more than ever the benefits gained through visiting customers, partners and teams in person.

SMEs preferring the benefits of face-to-face interaction are now able to apply for a Corporate Travel Grant with Flight Centre Business Travel. There are over $40,000 in travel grant prizes available to successful grant applicants.

Flight Centre Business Travel’s Global Leader Cameron Harris said that many of their customers are looking to increase their travel in 2024 to maximise growth opportunities.

“Having once been a small business ourselves, we understand the unique challenges that SMEs face and know just how beneficial grants of this size can be,” Mr Harris said.

“This year, we’ll once again be awarding one business a Corporate Travel Grant, valued at over $30,000 to help support their growth and success, whilst four runners-up will share in $10,000 worth of travel credit.

“We receive so much positive feedback from SMEs applying for these grants and are delighted to provide these opportunities.”

Last year, social change and anti-bullying advocate Project Rockit was named the  major Corporate Travel Grant winner for 2023.

Project Rockit co-founder and CEO Lucy Thomas said winning Flight Centre Business Travel’s Corporate Travel Grant meant the world to their team by enabling them to expand their reach in person across the country.

“We’ve been able to reach schools all over Australia who otherwise would have completely missed out on joining the Project Rockit workshops at their schools,” Thomas said.

“Our core business hinges on sending passionate, highly trained young people out into schools all over the country to mobilise students against all forms of bullying and lead inclusive school communities.

“Winning the grant has not only enabled us to reach more schools, but also given our team a huge vote of confidence and galvanised morale knowing that we have such strong advocates in Flight Centre Business Travel.”


Project Rockit’s Lucy Thomas pitches to the 2023 Corporate Travel Grant judging panel, Candice Marsh, regional general manager, Flight Centre Business Travel, Clinton Hearne, global head of marketing, Flight Centre and Henry Coles, head of alliances, Virgin Australia.

One of the 2023 Corporate Travel Grant runners up, Emily Bobis from Compass IoT, has found great value in partnering with Flight Centre Business Travel as a result of the grant application.

“Having a reliable travel management company has saved us countless hours trying to coordinate trips and multi-person bookings. It’s removed the internal booking burden so that we have more time to focus on the things that move the needle for our customers,” Emily said.

To apply and be in the running to take their business places with a $30,000 Corporate Travel Grant, SMEs need to answer three questions online and ensure they’re signed up to Virgin Australia’s Business Flyer program.

Flight Centre Business Travel will then fly 2 representatives from the selected top five applicants to its Global Head Office in Brisbane, to present their pitch in person to the selection panel.

Four runners up will win a share of $10,000 in Virgin Australia travel credit and two Velocity Gold memberships each.

Flight Centre Business Travel Grant

  • To enter, simply complete the online application form by answering the following three questions, and sign up to Virgin Australian Business Flyer:

Q1. Your business story – tell us who you are, what you do and what makes your company great!

Q2. Business travel impact – how does corporate travel fit into your overall strategy and shape the bigger picture of your business?

Q3. Travel grant triumph – imagine the corporate travel grant in hand, what exciting doors do you see opening for your business, and how do you plan to make the most of this opportunity?

  • First prize worth $30,000 includes $20,000 travel credit with Virgin Australia; two Platinum Velocity memberships; $5,000 IHG Hotels & Resorts  accommodation credit; and $3,000 Hertz car hire credit.
  • Four runners up will win a share of $10,000 in Virgin Australia travel credit and two Velocity Gold memberships each
  • Entries close 5pm AEST, Monday 18 March 2024.

For full details, terms and conditions please visit:

DD-8897_FCBT Travel Grant_Web Assets_PR banner_720x400

SMEs Can Now Apply For Business Travel Grant

SMEs looking to grow their business in 2023 are now able to apply for a travel grant with Flight Centre Business Travel which could transform their operations through increased travel and face-to-face contact with customers and business partners.

Flight Centre Business Travel’s Corporate Travel Grant is back from a hiatus following COVID-19 with over $40,000 in travel prizes available to successful grant applicants.

Flight Centre Business Travel’s Global Leader Cameron Harris said with the world opening up many businesses are looking to increase their business travel to take advantage of opportunities.

“We know that face-to-face travel is extremely beneficial for our customers and SMEs across the board,” Mr Harris said.

“We understand the unique challenges that SMEs and start-ups face and know just how beneficial grants of this size can be.

“This year, we’ll be awarding one business a Corporate Travel Grant, valued at over $30,000 to help support their growth and success, whilst four runners-up will share in $10,000 worth of travel credit.”

Mr Harris said SME owners usually depend on human connections, so it’s unsurprising that Flight Centre Business Travel’s customers find in-person meetings to be more influential in building stronger relationships and getting a stronger sense of a client’s needs first hand.

The value of meeting face-to-face for business extends to the ability to have more productive and engaging internal company meetings and building stronger network and partnership connections.

‘Zoom fatigue’ is driving the trend back to more face-to-face meetings, where personal interaction can be less pressured and building rapport possible with more beneficial results for all parties.

“Online videos and phone calls have a place and are effective to a certain degree, but we’re seeing a strong willingness for businesses to get back to meeting in person,” Mr Harris said.

“We know that providing these grants and assisting with travel management can be particularly worthwhile to entrepreneurs who are already juggling a host of responsibilities and SME leaders and decision makers who are looking for cost efficiency.”

A previous Corporate Travel Grant winner, Almo Milk, said winning the grant was absolutely transformational for their business. It helped them grow brand awareness by exhibiting across Australia and Asia, resulting in a 200% increase in online sales.

To apply for the grant, SMEs need to simply submit a one to two-minute video outlining what travel means to their business, and how winning the $30,000 Corporate Travel Grant will help them.

Flight Centre Business Travel will then select the top five entries and fly two representatives from each business to its Global Head Office in Brisbane, to present their pitch in more detail to the selection panel.

Four runners up will win a share of $10,000 in Virgin Australia travel credit and two Velocity Gold memberships each.

Flight Centre Business Travel Grant

·         To enter, simply create a one to two-minute video pitch responding to these two questions:

Q1. What does travel mean to your business?

Q2. What will this travel grant allow you to do?

·         First prize worth $30,000 includes $20,000 travel credit with Virgin Australia; two Platinum Velocity memberships; $5,000 IHG Hotels & Resorts  accommodation credit; $2,500 Hertz travel credit; $1,000 Flight Centre Business Travel voucher and a $500 luggage voucher.

·         Four runners up will win a share of $10,000 in Virgin Australia travel credit and two Velocity Gold memberships each

·         Entries close 5pm AEST, Friday 31 March 2023.

For full details, terms and conditions and to upload your video pitch please visit: 


About Flight Centre BusinessTravel

Part of Flight Centre Travel Group (ASX:FLT), Flight Centre Business Travel is Flight Centre’s corporate travel specialist for the Australian SME market. Created to meet the needs of SMEs who value a people-led, hyper-personal Travel Management Company driven by our number one promise being the value our Travel Managers can bring to you and your business.

BADC awards

BADC Awards: ‘Slow Down Songs’ Wins Best of Show for Brother & Co

Brother & Co has taken out Best of Show at the 2021 Brisbane Advertising and Design Club Awards for their ‘Slow Down Songs’ campaign for client Australian Road Safety Foundation, their one entry in the show in the Creative Innovation category.

Chairman of judges Mark Harricks said, “It’s a global idea and a world class piece of work – an idea that originated here in Queensland but could be translated across Australia or the rest of the world.

“When the jury saw the entry there were comments all-round – ‘I wish I had done that’. It’s the sort of work that we should be heroing so that more people hear about it.”

Brother & Co’s Andrew Thompson and Piet Human said of the entry: “The Australian Road Safety Foundation briefed us to develop a campaign to remind people to slow down to 40 around School Zones as kids returned to the classroom in 2021.

“Over 100,000 Slow Down Songs were served during ‘Back to School Week’ across Queensland. The Australian Road Safety Foundation has now gained approval for a national roll-out in 2022.”

View the Best of Show here.

Once again, video advertising delivery specialists Peach sponsored the BADC Awards which were held on Saturday night at The Fortitude Music Hall in Brisbane.

Peach’s Lauren Yelavich said: “This is our third year sponsoring the BADC, we are so excited to see what the team has planned for the coming months now we are back from the wilderness.

“For so many, the last couple of years has certainly had its challenges but it’s also been an opportunity for growth and transformation, which is evident by the brave and bold work that was showcased on Saturday night.”

With over 550 people in attendance, the awards night, hosted by Ian ‘Dicko’ Dickson, was the first Awards Night held since 2019 with two years of work covered, due to COVID. Over one thousand entries were received, with a total of 221 medals awarded on the night in a carefully planned 2.5-hour ceremony.

VMLY&R led with the largest overall number of medals and finalists, awarded a total of one gold, two silver, eleven bronze and another eleven finalists. ROMEO Digital took home the most medals with eight silver and ten bronze. Romeo’s work for Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries ‘More than a Prawn’ took home three bronze, three silver and a gold medal.

The night also belonged to a number of smaller independent agencies with Type + Pixel taking home nine medals, and Rumble, Brainheart, Flip, DSR Branding and Theola also taking home record medal hauls.

Client of the Year was awarded to Signet Packaging. Chairman of judges Mark Harricks said, “Signet put in a lot of work and it is clear that they are a client that is clearly brave. But it wasn’t the volume of the work but the consistency, creativity and variety that stood out.

“They’re a client that produced work that just made us laugh and we felt like after the last two years they just wanted to produce work that made people smile.”

BADC awards
Brother & Co’s Andrew Thompson and Piet Human and team celebrating Best in Show for ‘Slow Down Songs’


The Signet Packaging team receiving the Client of the Year Award at BADC’s 2021 Awards night

Hall of Fame Induction

Inducted into the BADC Hall of Fame with the greatest respect and love, was Joan Sankey who passed away in 2020.

In announcing Joan’s induction into the Hall of Fame, BADC President Stuart Myerscough said: “The Hall of Fame presents an opportunity to immortalise someone whose contribution to our industry warrants being called a Legend. Someone that the industry looks up to. Someone who has influenced, mentored, encouraged, and contributed to making the work, the people, and our industries in Brisbane, better for having been here. This award is not given lightly and is only awarded when it is merited.

“This year’s inductee is certainly all of that. Joan loved the industry from her early days in agency and then through various production companies. She was an instrumental part of the success and growth of two of Brisbane’s largest production companies. But that isn’t the success we honoured on Saturday night.

“Here are some of the lovely words said about Joan:

  • She had an infectious laugh and was always such a positive wonderful part of our work lives
  • She was instrumental in helping to build a strong film community in Brisbane
  • Always had a smile on her face and ready to have a laugh
  • She was so giving of her time and had the patience of a saint
  • Always willing to help young producers understand and grow
  • She was always at the other end of the phone, to just about every crew member in Brisbane, to offer her knowledge and advice whenever they asked. And boy did they ask!
  • Her larger-than-life personality and the energy that she brought to her work every day was contagious
  • I want to nominate this person to show our industry the type of person she was and remind others of the fact there is always someone in the background working as hard, if not harder than you
  • She trained me in my first week of the industry, and 30 years later I was still calling her for her advice and help
  • She showed me that there is an unsung hero in the background who works hard, does not ask for credit and just does it.

“Joan Sankey passed away late last year doing what she loved, and this industry is so much better for her having been here.”

All the finalist and medal work can be viewed online here.

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Media Release – Economic Optimism Turbo-Charges Australia’s Logistics Industry


Massive optimism in the logistics industry is fuelling a jobs boom with businesses planning to hire new staff to meet demand, a sentiment snapshot has revealed.

The inaugural CartonCloud Logistics Index took the pulse of warehouse and transport businesses in the first quarter of 2021 with 50 respondents providing feedback on business operating conditions, workforce and hiring outlook, growth, opportunities and challenges.

CartonCloud founder Vincent Fletcher (pictured below) said the results of the index pointed towards a healthy industry emerging from the pandemic disruption with significant confidence for the future.

“Optimism is high in the current economic climate and businesses are looking to capture growth opportunities in the months ahead,” Mr Fletcher said.

“The confidence is translating into the creation of new jobs in the industry, particularly for operations involved in warehousing.

“The numbers speak for themselves: 90 per cent of the businesses surveyed believe they are likely or very likely to increase their staff numbers.

“Increasing the workforce isn’t just positive for our industry but increasing employment opportunities and creating new jobs will benefit families and communities across Australia.

“Job creation is a powerful indication that logistics businesses in Australia are growing and they are in secure financial positions to bring on new staff.”

Mr Fletcher said it was satisfying to see more than 80% of businesses expecting to perform well or very well over the next six months, which was a sign of a very strong industry.

“Businesses are looking to grow by further increasing demand for logistics services, expanding the range of services they offer and making additional investments in business-to-consumer or e-commerce capabilities,” he said.

“Another opportunity to drive growth is the adoption of more technology across both warehouse and transport operations to drive efficiencies and unlock capacity.

“While 55% of respondents believe their business is embracing technology adoption well or very well, there’s clearly room for improvement in many warehouse and transport operations.”

Despite surging optimism and hiring intentions, the industry wasn’t without its challenges.

“Some businesses are scrambling to meet the high demand and customer expectations,” Mr Fletcher said.

“Hiring and upskilling the workforce so businesses can meet demand and customer expectations is a key challenge for both warehouse and transport businesses.

“We found it interesting that a significant number of senior management and business owner participants cited their own lack of digital vision and support as a key inhibitor in their business’s adoption of technology.

“Workforce knowledge and skill was also identified as a key barrier in the use of technology.”


What is your view of the current economic climate for your business?

A significant 68% of respondents believed the current economic climate for their business was either positive or very positive. This is in stark contrast to only 5% of respondents experiencing a poor economic outlook. The positive attitudes to economic conditions are a strong sign businesses are confident and are experiencing success in their operations. It’s important to note 27% of respondents reported a neutral view of their economic climate and future events may tip some of them into the poor or positive category.

How do you expect your business to perform in the next six months?

An overwhelming 83% of businesses expect to perform well or very well over the next six months. Less than 3% of participants expected their business to perform poorly, which is a sign of a very healthy industry outlook.

How would you rate the likelihood that your business will bring on additional staff within the next six months?

The positive economic and performance outlook is encouraging with 65% of participants indicating they believe their business is likely to bring on additional staff over the next six months. Likewise, 25% said they were very likely to increase their staff numbers.

Which of the following activities, if any, are you planning in the next 12 months in order to drive revenue growth?

More than 50% of participants believe their businesses will also tap into e-commerce/B2C fulfilment, and require an expansion in the range of services in the coming 12 months.

A smaller segment (15) saw automation and robotics as their primary revenue growth mechanisms for the coming months.

What will be the biggest challenges facing your business in the next 12 months?

Increasing operating costs were the main challenge faced by most (50%) businesses followed by driver and workforce shortages (43%). Inability to balance demand for services and capacity rounded out the top three.

60% of transport companies expect driver and workforce shortages to be the biggest challenge facing their business in the next 12 months.


The mural was created and installed by Tori-Jay Mordey, and Warraba Weatheral.

Soda Factory Unveils Mural Created by Local Aboriginal Artists

West End’s reborn Soda Factory development has unveiled a stunning wall mural in the refurbished shopping centre created by two local Aboriginal artists, which connects the area’s significance for Aboriginal people with the more recent history of the site as the Tristram’s Soda Factory.

The mural was created and installed by Tori-Jay Mordey, an established Torres Strait Islander illustrator and artist based in Brisbane, and Warraba Weatheral, an installation and street artist from the Kamilaroi Nation of South-West Queensland.

The Soda Factory is nearing completion of a multi-million-dollar refurbishment which is paying homage to the building’s original use as a soda making and bottling facility for iconic Queensland soft drink brand Tristram’s.

A refurbished Coles neighbourhood centre is operating, and on completion The Soda Factory will include 22 specialty stores and 220 car park spaces. New travelators providing convenient access are now also operating.

The property’s developer SCA Property Group commissioned Blaklash Creative, a local 100 percent Aboriginal-owned creative agency specialising in Aboriginal art and design to curate the bespoke mural using local artists.

“We wanted to create a unique destination for shoppers and diners in West End and celebrate the rich connections that Aboriginal people have with the area which is reflected in this beautiful mural from two very talented artists,” SCA Senior Development Manager Aleisha O’Connor said.

Blaklash’s Co-Director Troy Casey, himself a proud Aboriginal man from Kamilaroi Country said they looked carefully at stories that could connect pre-contact and contemporary West End culture.

“West End is a historically significant place for Aboriginal people and continues to maintain a strong community feel,” Mr Casey said.

“Drawing from this narrative the artists made connections with the history of the area through native plant species which were used as food and medicine.

“This narrative is intertwined with the more recent history connected to the Tristram’s Soda Factory including the use of the bottlebrush flower which was used as a sweetener for flavouring drinks.

“These elements have been beautifully included in this colourful mural which helps describe the history and characteristics of the area.”

The official opening of The Soda Factory will be held in November 2021.

soda factory

The Soda Factory is undergoing a complete revitalisation of the building, including major upgrades to the mall scape and outdoor dining spaces celebrating its industrial heritage through materials and detailing to create a relaxed, timeless palette with an urban edge.

The refurbishment will include a new internal mall area, new travelators and lift, upgraded amenities, activated street frontage and redeveloped car park. The building’s heritage elements are being retained with a particular focus on restoring and rejuvenating the building’s main façade.

Designed by prominent Brisbane architectural firm Atkinson, Powell and Conrad, and built by well-known builder Walter Taylor the unusual Spanish Mission styled factory building was constructed in 1930 for soft drink manufacturer Tristram’s. The building remained in use by Tristrams until 1979 before it was sold and converted into markets.

Artist Bios

Tori-Jay Mordey

Tori-Jay Mordey is an established Indigenous Australian illustrator and artist based in Brisbane. Growing up she openly shared both her Torres Strait Islander and English heritage, which is often reflected in her contemporary Indigenous art practice – producing work based around her family and siblings as a way of understanding herself, her appearance and racial identity.

Warraba Weatherall

Warraba Weatherall is an installation and street artist from the Kamilaroi Nation of South-West Queensland. Weatherall’s practice critiques the legacies of colonisation; where social, economic and political realities perpetually validate Eurocentric ideologies. Drawing on his personal experience and cultural knowledge, he uses image, material and metaphor to contribute to a cross-cultural dialogue by offering alternate ways of seeing and understanding.

Photographs by RGC’s Luke Greensill 

Over the Wire

Over the Wire (ASX: OTW) Up 35% As Solution And Platform Investments Drive Growth


Telecommunications, cloud and IT solutions provider Over the Wire Holdings Limited (ASX: OTW) is pleased to announce it has delivered another year of strong growth in recurring revenues with the company beginning to experience the full benefit of recent investments across its integrated solution platform.

Key highlights from the year include:

  • Becoming a Tier 1 voice provider following the completion of a multi-year Carrier Interconnect project
  • Growing recurring revenue by 38% to $103.2 million and delivering strong positive operating cashflows
  • A customer retention rate of 97.8%
  • Completion of the Zintel, Fonebox and Digital Sense acquisitions
  • Implementation of new Cloud availability zones in Perth and Adelaide
  • Increased international capacity and partnerships
  • Commencement of investment program to significantly upgrade the company’s core network (SuperCore)

Over the Wire Managing Director Michael Omeros said the achievements of the last financial year were important for the long-term future of Over the Wire and the growth of sustainable earnings.

“The completion of the carrier interconnect project and the completion of the Zintel, Fonebox and Digital Sense acquisitions provides us with a strong platform to lock in a variety of new, recurring revenue streams,” he said.

“We are already feeling the impact of these investments with second-half organic recurring revenue up 7% on the first half and a strong pipeline of new contracts and work.”

“The current financial year has started well and in line with expectations and we remain confident of delivering on our target of 15% growth in organic recurring revenue.”

Mr Omeros said the company’s Cloud. Connect. Collaborate. solution offering would continue to deliver positive outcomes for clients and help support future revenue growth.

“With the completion of the Carrier Interconnect project, we now have all the elements of a comprehensive, fully integrated platform that simplifies technology and empowers business,” he said.

Financial Results

Throughout the year, Over the Wire continued to focus on building its recurring revenue, with total recurring revenue growing 38% to $103.2 million. This component of revenue now represents 92% of overall revenue, up from 85% in FY20.

EBITDA for the year was $23.5 million (FY20: $17.4 million) with EBITDA margin improving from 20% in the previous year to 21%. The company also reported the continued strong conversion of EBITDA to cash with net cash from operating activities in the year of $24.5 million, up 111% from $11.6 million in the previous year. At the end of the year, the company has $16.7 million cash on hand.

The Board has declared a final dividend for 30 June 2021, of 2.25 cents per share fully franked, taking the full-year payout to 4.0 cents per share, up from 3.75 cents per share in the previous year.


During FY21, OTW completed its transition to becoming a Tier 1 voice carrier. Completion of the platform means Over the Wire joins an exclusive group of Tier 1 carriers in Australia that can now offer full-service voice capabilities. Other Tier 1 carriers include Telstra, Optus, TPG, MyNetFone and Vocus.

Mr Omeros said completion of the project was a significant milestone in the history of the company and, combined with a range of other solution and platform improvements, had laid the foundation for a new phase of growth.

“As a Tier 1 voice carrier we will be far less reliant on third-party providers and unencumbered by legacy technology which will deliver instant savings and about $2 million in additional earnings each year,” he said.

Mr Omeros said the company had already begun to see the benefit of investments flow through with a range of new recurring revenue contracts signed.

Following on from the second-half organic recurring revenue being up 7% on the first half, the strong pipeline of new contracts and work creates confidence of delivering on the target of 15% growth in organic recurring revenue.

“We have the people, solutions and platform to deliver strong organic growth in the current year and are focussed on ensuring we deliver in line with our expectations.”


Ben Ready
RGC Media & Mktng
+61 415 743 838

About Over the Wire Holdings Limited

Over the Wire Holdings Limited (ASX: OTW) is an ASX listed telecommunications, cloud and IT solutions provider that has a national network with points of presence in all major Australian capital cities and Auckland, NZ. The company offers an integrated suite of products and services to business customers including Data Networks and Internet, Voice, Data Centre co-location, Cloud and Managed Services.

Over the Wire Holdings, Limited companies include Over the Wire, NetSIP, Faktortel, Sanity Technology, Telarus, VPN Solutions, Access Digital Networks, Comlinx, Zintel Communications, Fonebox and Digital Sense.



Media Release – Booktopia (ASX: BKG) Smashes Prospectus Forecasts As Customers Continue To Splurge On Books

Australia’s leading online book retailer Booktopia Group Limited (ASX: BKG) has convincingly beaten its prospectus forecasts for the full year to June 30, 2021, with increased capacity, record numbers of customers and growing order values all combining to deliver a strong first year on the ASX.

Booktopia today (30 August, 2021) reported its first results since listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in early December 2020 following a $43.1 million capital raising.

In the 12 months to June 30, 2021, the company reported total revenue of $223.9 million, a 35% increase on the previous year and 10% above the $204.5 million forecast in the company’s November 2020 prospectus. Since 2018 the company has achieved a CAGR in revenue of 26%.

Underlying EBITDA (adjusted for IPO costs) for the year was $13.6 million, up 125% on the previous year ($6.0 m) and 45% above prospectus forecasts of $9.4m.

The full-year result was achieved on a 27% increase in total units shipped to 8.2 million, an average annual spend per customer of $126.85 (FY20: $111.43) and an average order value of $71.07 (FY20: $65.08).

Booktopia Chief Executive Officer Tony Nash said the company’s first full-year result as a listed company was very pleasing and had laid the foundation for the next phase of growth.

“Our prospectus set some very ambitious targets for our first year as a listed company and I am very happy to report we have been able to eclipse those expectations,” he said. “Our focus has now shifted to executing our multi-pronged growth strategy that will see us ramp up our market penetration, expand our reach within the book industry and lock-in new, earnings accretive partnerships and acquisitions.”

“Our team’s performance over the last 12 months, the strength of the Booktopia brand and our ability to adapt quickly to a rapidly changing external environment leaves us confident we can continue to grow at or above what we have achieved over the last few years.”

Mr Nash said the company had started the new financial year strongly with the momentum from the previous year continuing into the current year.

“Sales for the current year are currently tracking above the same time last year, despite the ongoing lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne,” he said.

Booktopia’s growth and success since it was first established in 2004 is built on the development and continued refinement of proprietary software and algorithms that optimise traffic and conversion rates.

The company has now built a database of over 5 million customers with 1.8 million active customers in FY21, a growth of 19% on the previous year.

As well as achieving strong market share growth during FY21, the company also identified and executed three new partnerships that would accelerate growth over the coming years. In FY21 the company finalised deals with Australian publisher Brio Books, edtech provider Zookal, and teamed up with UK publisher Welbeck for a new joint venture in Australia and New Zealand.

Mr Nash said the company was actively pursuing several new bolt-on opportunities to leverage the company’s infrastructure and systems and enhance growth.

“Bolt-on opportunities, whether through acquisition or partnership, provide a clear path to supercharging our growth over the next few years and if we see an opportunity that provides the right benefits, at the right price, we will pursue it.”

“While our immediate focus is on Australia and New Zealand, we will look at opportunities in other markets if we believe there is attractive, medium-term, growth potential.”

Booktopia is also investing in the growth of its publishing (Booktopia Publishing) and publisher services (Booktopia Publisher Services) operations that will give customers access to even more titles, more quickly. The publishing division uses BPS to distribute its books to retailers and resellers across Australia and New Zealand.

“The Australian book industry is forecast to generate more than $2.6 billion in sales this year and we want to be at the very core of that industry to ensure our customers are getting the best deals on the best books,” Mr Nash said.

Mr Nash said the company would continue to invest in expanding capacity to accommodate growth.

Booktopia has invested over $20 million in the automating of its 14,000 sqm Distribution Centre at Lidcombe in Sydney’s west resulting in a doubling of capacity that allows the company the ship 60,000 books across 145,000 different tiles per day.

As part of its planning for future growth, Booktopia has recently signed agreements to secure an additional 13,500 sqm of warehousing and distribution facilities at Enfield in Sydney’s South West to complement its existing facility at Lidcombe. The new facilities will provide increased capacity to hold and distribute stock to its customers.

“The investment in distribution centres together with our strong balance sheet means we are well-positioned to leverage our future growth profitably and sustainably,” he said.


FY22 has started strongly, with revenue tracking ahead of the previous corresponding period.

The company continues to experience strong tailwinds, including:

  • the ongoing adoption of online shopping due to structural and demographic shifts
  • acceleration of these trends due to COVID-19
  • an increase in discretionary spending locally due to travel restrictions

The Board and management are cognisant of the ongoing impact of COVID-19, geographic lockdowns and the vaccine rollout, both in Australia and internationally and note that a high degree of uncertainty continues to surround the Australian economy.

“We will continue our growth strategy, investing into key areas of the business to cement our online market leadership and drive increased market share with an ongoing ‘customer obsession’ mindset to ensure our engagement and service is second to none,” Mr Nash said.

The company will also continue the expansion of its Publisher Services (Distribution) and Publishing businesses and its investment in distribution facilities as well as exploring international expansion opportunities through partnerships and acquisitions.

“Our intent is to be the core of the book industry, locally and internationally.” Mr Nash said.

BADC awards

The 2021 BADC Awards are Back from the Wilderness

The Brisbane Advertising and Design Club is now calling for entries from the Brisbane creative community as it brings back its awards after last year’s hibernation.

For the first time, the BADC Awards will cover two years’ submissions from 2020 and 2021. Entry validity is for all work published or aired from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021.

BADC president Stuart Myerscough said, “We were really keen to ensure that no work got left behind considering how much hard work has gone on. We made the easy decision to make two years of work eligible, which will mean tough competition across all our categories.

“Brisbane’s advertising and creative community is coming together again to showcase and celebrate the best in creative and marketing campaigns from a very high quality field.

“Our theme Welcome Back from the Wilderness will help encourage and inspire the community as excitement builds to our awards night to be held on 6th November, 2021. It will be overdue but welcome having the Brisbane creative industry together again under one roof.”

The main award category will once again be the Best of Show which was last won by Publicis Australia for their Great Barrier Reef campaign, scUber, for client Tourism and Events Queensland.

Key dates:
Entries Close: Monday 2nd August
Late Entries: Friday 6th August (30% late fee)
Awards Night: Saturday 6th November

Myerscough said BADC was thrilled to welcome back video ad delivery gurus Peach as platinum sponsor and presenting partner of the awards.

Peach is reinventing the way video ads get from edit to ad platform, broadcaster, social and more. Their technology unifies digital and linear advertising ensuring quality, ease of collaboration and distribution at speed: eliminating complexity, delays and costly mistakes.

Peach’s Business Development Manager APC Lauren Yelavich said: “Our relationship with BADC has been fundamental to our success in the Brisbane market over the past few years. We are excited to come out of the wilderness with you all and are committed to supporting the creative genius of Brisbane over the coming year. We look forward to what BADC has planned.”

Creative recruitment company DMCG Global joins the ranks of returning Gold sponsors supporting BADC in 2021 – O’Brien’s Accountants, Cutting Edge, The Post Lounge and Platypus Print Packaging. New Bronze sponsors joining include Compadre Picture Company,  and The Sound Pound with Ack Kinmonth Composer also returning.  Limited sponsorship opportunities are still available.

The BADC awards is Brisbane’s only creative advertising and design award. Further information is available from